
Why Cypress is the Preferred Automation Tool for Modern Web Applications in 2025

Why Cypress Is the Top Automation Tool for Modern Web Apps in 2025

Have you ever wondered what makes an automation tool truly indispensable in the fast-paced world of modern web development? Is it speed, reliability, or perhaps seamless integration with your workflows? What if one tool could offer all of this and more? Welcome to the world of Cypress automation – the game-changing solution that’s reshaping how we test modern web applications in 2025.

In this blog, we’ll explore why Cypress automation is a good choice for developers and other teams. Let’s dive in to uncover how the Cypress automation tool 2025 sets a new standard for testing modern web applications!

What is Cypress?

Cypress Automation is a modern, open-source testing framework particularly made for modern web apps. Unlike traditional automation tools, it doesn’t operate outside the browser but instead runs directly within it. This unique architecture gives Cypress an edge in speed, reliability, and simplicity.

Built for developers, Cypress enables real-time testing and debugging. It eliminates the complexities of traditional automation tools by providing features like automatic waiting, time travel debugging, and seamless integration with popular JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js.

Also read: Cypress Plugins and Add-ons to Boost Your Test Automation

Why do You Need Cypress?

Cypress was basically created to address common pain points in test automation, such as flaky tests, slow execution, and complex debugging. The purpose of Cypress revolves around removing the complexities by directly interacting with the browser in the same execution loop as the application. This results in quick and more accurate testing.

How Cypress Works

Cypress is unique in how it operates. It runs directly inside the browser alongside the application being tested. This architecture gives Cypress complete control over the browser, enabling it to:

  • Cypress can monitor, modify, or stub network requests, making it easy to test various scenarios.
  • Running inside the browser allows Cypress to interact directly with the DOM and application state in real time.
  • It waits for items to load, animations to finish, and commands to resolve.
  • During test execution, Cypress captures snapshots at each step, allowing you to see what the application looked like at any given point.

Key Features of Cypress

Cypress Automation stands out with its developer-centric features:

  • Developer-centric design
  • Allows you to go back in time to review what happened during test execution.
  • Real-time reloading
  • Built-in assertions
  • Cross-browser support
  • Integrated test runner

These features make the Cypress automation tool a perfect fit for modern web applications.

What Can You Test with Cypress?

Cypress supports a wide range of testing needs, making it one of the most versatile automation tools available:

1.End-to-End Testing:

Simulate genuine user journeys, such as signing in, moving around pages, and submitting forms.

2. Integration Testing:

Ensure different elements of your modern web app work effortlessly together.

3. API Testing:

Test the backend API endpoints for correctness, error handling, and data validation.

4. UI Testing:

Check for the presence, visibility, and behavior of user interface elements like buttons, forms, and modals.

5. Component Testing:

Test individual components in isolation to ensure they function correctly, even outside the context of the full application.

By combining these testing capabilities, Cypress automation services cover every aspect of your application’s quality assurance.

Why Should you Switch to Cypress?

Cypress stands out because it redefines what it means to use an automation tool for modern web applications. Whether you’re a developer writing front-end code or a QA engineer ensuring application quality, Cypress offers a user-friendly experience that boosts productivity and reduces friction in testing.

Here’s why you should consider Cypress:

1. Developer-Friendly:

The intuitive API, automatic retries, and fast execution make it easy for developers to adopt.

2. Unmatched Debugging:

The ability to see exactly what went wrong during a test run saves countless hours in debugging.

3. Active Development:

The Cypress automation tool 2025 continues to evolve, ensuring compatibility with the latest frameworks.

4. Seamless CI/CD Integration:

Cypress integrates easily with continuous integration tools, making it ideal for modern development pipelines.

Steps To Get Started with Cypress

It is quite simple to begin your journey on cypress. Follow the steps written below to write your first cypress test:

Step 1: Install Cypress

To install Cypress, make sure that you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed. You can verify this running:

node -v
npm -v

The installation command that you must run project directory using npm or yarn is:

npm install cypress --save-dev

Or, if you are using Yarn:

yarn add cypress –dev

Cypress will be installed, and a node_modules folder will appear with Cypress binaries.

Step 2: Open Cypress

For a first-time setup after installation, open Cypress by running:

npx cypress open

Or, if you are using Yarn:

yarn run cypress open

After this, Cypress test runner will launch, and the tool will automatically create a default folder structure:


Step 3: Configure Cypress Settings

Cypress comes with a default configuration file where you can set settings such as the base URL, test file location, and browser options.

  • Access configuration file:

If Cypress has been initialized, the configuration file will be cypress.config.js or cypress.config.ts for TypeScript projects.

If not, create it manually in the project root:

const { defineConfig } = require('cypress');

module.exports = defineConfig({

e2e: {

baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', // Define your app's base URL

supportFile: 'cypress/support/index.js', // Location for shared logic

video: true, // Record test runs



  • Base URL Configuration:

Once the baseUrl is set, you can use relative paths in your tests:

cy.visit('/dashboard'); // Automatically expands to http://localhost:3000/dashboard

  • Modify Default Settings:

Adjust other properties like timeouts:

module.exports = defineConfig({

e2e: {

defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, // Set timeout for commands

pageLoadTimeout: 20000, // Timeout for page loading



Step 4: Write Tests

Now that you have setup the Cypress, you can write your first test file in the cypress/e2e directory.

  • Create a Test File:

In the cypress/e2e folder, create a new file, e.g.,

  • Write a Basic Test:

Here’s an example of a test that verifies the homepage loads correctly:

describe('First Cypress Test', () => {

it('Visits the homepage and checks for content', () => {

cy.visit('/'); // Visits the base URL set in configuration

cy.contains('Welcome'); // Checks for text "Welcome"

cy.get('h1').should('have.text', 'Welcome to My App'); // Assert on specific content



  • Assertions:

Cypress supports powerful built-in assertions for DOM elements:

cy.get('button').should('be.visible'); // Ensure the button is visible

cy.url().should('include', '/home'); // Verify the URL contains "/home"

Step 5: Run Cypress Tests

There are two main ways to run Cypress tests: using the interactive Test Runner or running tests in headless mode.

  • Open Cypress Test Runner:

Run the below written command to open the Test Runner:

npx cypress open
Select the browser (e.g., Chrome) and the test file ( from the interface.

  • Run Tests in Headless Mode:

For CI/CD or faster execution, you can run Cypress tests in the terminal:
npx cypress run

Output will look something like this:

Running: ✔ 1 of 1 passed

  • Run a Specific Test:

Use the –spec flag to run a specific test file

npx cypress run --spec "cypress/e2e/"

  • Record Video:

By default, Cypress records videos of test runs in headless mode. Videos are stored in the /cypress/videos folder.

Step 6: Add Commands to package.json

Adding custom commands in your package.json file streamlines running Cypress tests without remembering long commands.

  • Modify package.json:

Add shortcuts to the scripts section

"scripts": {

"cypress:open": "cypress open",

"cypress:run": "cypress run",

"cypress:run:headless": "cypress run --headless"


  • Run Commands:

Open Cypress Test Runner:

npm run cypress:open

Run all tests in headless mode:

npm run cypress:run

Run tests headlessly with browser options:

npm run cypress:run:headless

  • Output:

The test results will appear in the terminal, including which tests passed or failed.

Step 7: Integrate Cypress with CI/CD

Cypress supports CI/CD integration for automated test run.

  • GitHub Actions Example:

Add a GitHub Actions workflow file
name: Run Cypress Tests
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Dependencies
run: npm install
- name: Run Cypress Tests
run: npm run cypress:run

  • Jenkins Pipelinne Example:

Add a Jenkins pipeline script:

pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Install') {
steps {
sh 'npm install'
stage('Run Cypress Tests') {
steps {
sh 'npm run cypress:run'

  • Benefits:

Automates testing for every code change.
Ensures your app works as intended across all environments.

Step 8: Use Advanced Cypress Features

Cypress offers advanced features to enhance your tests.

  • Custom Commands:

Write reusable commands in cypress/support/commands.js:

Cypress.Commands.add('login', (email, password) => {

Use the custom command in tests:

describe('Login Tests', () => {
it('Logs in successfully', () => {
cy.login('[email protected]', 'password123');

  • API Testing:

Test APIs directly with cy.request:

describe('API Tests', () => {
it('Checks user data', () => {
cy.request('GET', '/api/users').then((response) => {

  • File Upload:

Use the cy.get method with a file path:

it('Uploads a file', () => {

Step 9: Debugging Tips

Debugging is an essential part of testing, and Cypress provides powerful tools.

  • Time Travel:

Cypress Test Runner captures snapshots at every step. Click on commands in the Test Runner to see DOM snapshots.

  • Using cy.log:

Add logs to track the test flow
cy.log('Starting the login test');

  • Console Logs:

Use browser DevTools to debug. For example:

cy.get('#username').then((el) => {
console.log('Username field value:', el.val());

  • Pause Command:

Pause the test execution at any point
