
What Are The Top 10 Testing Scenarios When You Shouldn’t Automate With Selenium?

10 testing scenarios you should never automate with Selenium

Selenium is an open-source software suite; perfect for automating the testing scenarios of web applications and webpages. When developers automate with Selenium, it supports multiple programming languages to build test cases. That makes Selenium a popular choice for automating web applications. However, like any other tool, Selenium has its limitations. There are…

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Building Agile Testing Process Using Test Automation Frameworks

Building Agile Testing Process Using Test Automation Frameworks

Agile testing is now a crucial part of current software development methods. With the increasing demand for rapid delivery, development teams are expected to produce high-quality software code in shorter time frames. “Agile testing frameworks play a vital role in project management, helping teams reach their software delivery objectives.” However, building an…

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Test Automation And Selenium: 4 Rules To Keep Your Tests Simple

4 Simple Rules For Selenium Test Automation

Lack of stability and reliability in automation tests is quite common when the proper rules are not followed or you adopt a “one size fits all” approach. There are no thumb rules for test automation and Selenium, however some programming language agnostic rules are applicable everywhere. Test automation using Selenium is a…

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How To Build Selenium-Based Test Automation?

How To Build Selenium-Based Test Automation?

Test automation is one of the crucial aspects of software development, ensuring that your application functions as expected. And, Selenium is a popular open-source framework employed for automating web applications, offering support for various programming languages and operating systems. In this blog, we will explore the steps for building a Selenium-based test…

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Top 10 Test Automation Learning Resources in 2023

Top 10 Test Automation Learning Resources in 2023

One of the critical stages of the software evolution life cycle is software testing. A system’s quality assurance is totally dependent on test automation, which aids in lowering testing expenses and, as a consequence, improves job productivity. As the number of projects is scaling with a rising demand to shorten the value-to-market,…

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Popular Trends for Selenium Automation You Can’t Miss in 2023

Popular Trends for Selenium Automation You Can’t Miss in 2023

Gone are the days when software testing was directly related to locating flaws in a particular software product. Now, the game has changed, and the evolution of software testing is witnessed by GMinsights’ most recent analysis, Automation Testing is now valued at USD 20 billion and is anticipated to grow at a…

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10 Most Promising Automation Testing Tools to Consider in 2023

Top 10 Automation Testing Tools in 2023

Automation testing is a vital segment of software expansion. It has repeatedly proved to be highly impactful in offering a vigorous product while simultaneously offering quality at speed. Over the years, the purpose of automation testing has shifted from reducing the testing time to effectively making use of the test cases. It…

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Selenium Pros and Cons for Automation Testing

Selenium Pros and Cons for Automation Testing

When we are talking about test automation in a group of friends, we always include Selenium in the conversation, because Selenium is one of the best and loved tools for test automation. Both testers and developers enjoy using Selenium. Even though there are a lot of tools available in the market, why…

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